Please read carefully

All terms are per week for Carraview House unless you are booking a midweek/weekend break. Bookings are from 4pm on day of arrival to 10am on day of departure (subject to unavoidable delays). Upon departure you are obliged to leave everything in a clean and tidy condition.

Booking confirmation
Bookings will be confirmed upon receipt of 10% of the accommodation rental. The deposit is non-returnable in the event of later cancellation.
Payment of Balance
The balance is due by you not later than six weeks before the holiday commencement date. For bookings made within six weeks of the start of your holiday, you are required to pay the full price before the booking will be confirmed.
So long as written notice of cancellation is received not less than eight weeks before commencement date of the holiday, you will not be liable to pay any outstanding balance.

Should the cottage not be available due to circumstances beyond our control (for example fire, theft or damage) we cannot guarantee to provide alternative accommodation, in which case all sums will be returned to you in full. You will have no claim against us.

Number in your party
No more than ten persons and one baby may occupy CarraView House.
Up to three fully house-trained dogs are permitted so long as they are kept downstairs in the public rooms only, and all faeces are cleared from the garden. No cats or other pets are allowed
Carraview House is non-smoking. Smokers are asked to smoke outside and to remove any cigarette butts.
Any articles found to be missing or broken from the house or garden area, will be paid for by you, as will any damage to the fabric (reasonable wear and tear excepted).
Web Site
The information given on this web site is given in good faith. We reserve the right to make changes in the interests of improvement. All links to external websites are provided for interest only, we can not be held responsible for the content of these websites.

For availability & bookings
Please complete our
Enquiries / Bookings Form

We are located at:

Carraview House

455 Strome


Isle of South Uist

Outer Hebrides






Contact us today!

If you  wish to enquire or would like more information, please contact us:


+44 01700811526



Or use our contact form.

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